Stages of Purification Before Entering Jannah – Jan 12, 2018

  Stages of Purification Before Entering Jannah  Transcript of the Friday Sermon delivered by Dr. Munawar Haque on Jan 12, 2018   Brothers and sisters! Regarding Paradise (Jannah), there is a Hadith Qudsi through which we learn that Allah (SWT) said: “I have prepared for my righteous servants what no eye has seen, no ear … [Read more…]

Sincerity: An Essential Part of Our Deen – Dec 29, 2017

Brothers and sisters! In today’s khutba, I intend to share some thoughts on the topic of sincerity or ikhlas, which is an essential part of our noble deen. What is ikhlas? It is the intention to please Allah in whatever we do. A believer must be a sincere person in every aspect of his or … [Read more…]

Background of the Challenges Faced by the Ummah – Dec 1, 2017

Brothers and sisters! The range and scope of the challenges faced by Islam and Muslims in the 21st century is enormous. It is sufficient to say that the entire ummah, which as a distinct entity shares certain foundational principles about God, about Islam’s belief system, and the practices associated with it, is under threat. The … [Read more…]

Sunnah of Good Communication – Nov 24, 2017

Brothers and sisters! The ability to communicate with one another is a priceless gift that Allah has given to humans. الرَّحْمَنُ () عَلَّمَ الْقُرْآَنَ () خَلَقَ الْإِنْسَانَ () عَلَّمَهُ الْبَيَانَ “The Most Compassionate; He taught the Qur’an; He created man; and He taught him to communicate.” (al-Rahman, 55:1-4) We communicate with people on a daily … [Read more…]

Are We Practicing Muslims – Nov 10, 2017

Brothers and sisters! Are we practicing Muslims? We pray five times a day. We fast in the month of Ramadan. We pay our zakat. We have performed the hajj or intend to do so. We participate in Islamic activities. We are contributing members of Islamic organizations. We practice the remembrance of Allah. We donate to … [Read more…]

Protecting Ourselves from Atheism – Oct 27, 2017

Brothers and sisters! The topic of my khutba today may seem a little strange because it’s not often discussed in our Masajid. However, the topic is both relevant and crucial to our times, and calls for serious thinking and discussion. My khutba today is on the topic: “Protecting Ourselves from Atheism.”  Atheism is the doctrine … [Read more…]

Why is there Suffering in this World – Sept 29, 2017

Brothers and sisters! We have recently witnessed three natural disasters: hurricanes in Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico. Such and similar calamities have been occurring throughout human history in different parts of the earth. There are people who argue that if Allah is all merciful, then why do people suffer? Why do innocent men, women and … [Read more…]

Sacred Month of Muharram – Sept 22, 2017

Brothers and sisters! We bid farewell to another year of the Hijrah. After the passing of the blessed month of Dhul-Hijjah, we are now in the sacred month of Muharram of the new Hijri year – 1439. Do we realize that the year contains a number of days and nights which are what makes up … [Read more…]

Volunteering for the Sake of Allah – Sept 15, 2017

Brothers and sisters! My khutba today is on the topic: “Volunteering for the Sake of Allah,” which means being involved in any activity or project or cause that is initiated with the sole purpose of gaining Allah’s pleasure. Allah has enabled and created each one of us uniquely. Our sole purpose in this life is to gain His pleasure and … [Read more…]