Our Relationship with Allah (SWT) – June 1, 2018

Our Relationship with Allah (SWT) Transcript of the Friday Sermon delivered by Dr. Munawar Haque on June 1, 2018   Brothers and sisters! There is a well-known Hadith Qudsi that shows our relationship with Allah (SWT) and some of His Divine attributes. What is a Hadith Qudsi? It is a Hadith, which from the perspective … [Read more…]

Concept of Forgiveness in Islam – May 4, 2018

Brothers and sisters! The topic of today’s khutba is: “Concept of Forgiveness in Islam.” It is wisely said: “To err is human, to forgive divine.” Both parts of this statement are true. All people commit sins and make mistakes. God forgives them, and people are acting in a divine way when they forgive. Part of our being … [Read more…]

Islamic Etiquette of Dealing with People, April 27, 2018

Brothers and sisters! Today’s khutba is on the topic: “Islamic Etiquette of Dealing with People.” Basically, it is the state of the heart that impacts our behavior and dealings with people. Islamic teachings put great emphasis on moral conduct and how we deal with people in our daily lives. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, إِنَّمَا بُعِثْتُ … [Read more…]

We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return – April 20, 2018

Brothers and sisters! The topic of today’s khutba is: “We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return.” A couple of hours back, I got the news of my beloved mother’s passing away in India. إِنَّا لِلَّهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ My mother’s passing away reminded me of my own approaching death. Generally, people consider … [Read more…]

Al-Isra’ wal Mi’raj – April 6, 2018

Brothers and sisters! We are passing through the month of Rajab. In today’s Khutba, I wish to share some thoughts with you on the great event of Isra’ and Mi’raj. Most of the scholars of the Sirah say that the Isra’ and Mi’raj took place a year prior to the Hijrah on the 27th night of … [Read more…]

Lessons from Surat al-Kahf – March 23, 2018

Lessons from Surat al-Kahf  Transcript of the Friday Sermon delivered by Dr. Munawar Haque on March 23, 2018 Brothers and sisters! It is a weekly routine for many of us to recite Surat al-Kahf every Friday. There are several prophetic traditions that speak about the benefits of reciting this Surah. It is mentioned that this … [Read more…]

Barzakh – March 2, 2018

Brothers and sisters! A human being is made up of body and soul interpenetrating each other. While the body and the soul are joined in the mother’s womb before birth, they are separated from each other permanently at the time of death. This phenomenon of separation of body and soul takes place daily during our … [Read more…]

Human Heart from the Islamic Perspective – Feb 9, 2018

  Brothers and sisters! InshaAllah, in today’s khutba, I intend to share some thoughts with you on the human heart from the Islamic perspective. In the Arabic language, the human heart is called Qalb, which means heart, mind, and conscience all at once.   أَلَا بِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ تَطْمَئِنُّ الْقُلُوبُ “Truly, it is in the remembrance … [Read more…]

Is Islam Easy and Simple or Difficult and Complicated – Feb 2, 2018

Brothers and sisters! Very often we find that there are different interpretations of Islamic rulings followed by different sects, groups, movements, and schools of thought within Islam. Even though these differences are usually on minor issues, yet they give rise to confusion in the minds of many Muslims, both young and old and make them … [Read more…]