Significance of Al-Hijrah – Sept 14, 2018

  Brothers and sisters! We bid farewell to another year of the Hijrah. After the passing of the blessed month of Dhul-Hijjah, we are now in the sacred month of Muharram of the new Hijri year – 1440. It is reported that the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) would learn the following du’a for … [Read more…]

Who are the Successful Ones – Sept 7, 2018

Brothers and sisters! The topic of my khutba is: “Who are the Successful Ones?” True success is not confined to transitory worldly and material prosperity but it comprises both success in this life and in the life in the hereafter, and is attained by sincere faith and righteous deeds. This is a fundamental principle which … [Read more…]

Beware of Modern Day Idolatry – August 10, 2018

Brothers and sisters! We are about to enter the month of Dhul-Hijjah. This blessed month calls for asserting the message of the Oneness of Allah (SWT), which Prophet Ibrahim (AS) preached and practiced throughout his life. InshaAllah, today’s khutba will focus on the relevance of Ibrahim (AS)’s message of Tawheed to our contemporary times. It … [Read more…]

Concept of Modesty from the Islamic Perspective – August 3, 2018

My dear brothers and sisters! We learn through a hadith that “every religion has a chief characteristic, and the chief characteristic of this religion (i.e., Islam) is modesty.” This hadith informs us that modesty or Haya’ as it is called in Arabic is a prominent feature of Islam. According to a hadith, الْحَيَاءُ شُعْبَةٌ مِنَ … [Read more…]

Obligation of Civic Engagement – July 27, 2018

My dear respected brothers and sisters! We obtain our guidance from two primary sources of Islam: the Qur’an and the Sunnah. Both these sources declare that civic engagement is an obligation. InshaAllah, my khutba today is on the topic: “Obligation of Civic Engagement.” What exactly do we mean by civic engagement?  Generally it means promoting … [Read more…]

Obligation of Muslims to Vote – July 20, 2018

Brothers and sisters! As you know, the current election season is very important to the condition of our communities. The first election is the primary on August 7, followed by the main election in November. Our Muslim community has the lowest voter turnout compared to Jews, Christians and Hindus, but we have the most at … [Read more…]

Parent-Child Relationship – July 6, 2018

Brothers and sisters! The topic of my khutba today is ‘Parent-Child Relationship.’ The parent-child relationship in Islam is complementary in nature, which means that there are not only the parent’s rights and the child’s duties, but also the child’s rights and the parent’s duties, and this is what makes this relationship holistic and complete. We … [Read more…]

Fatherhood from the Islamic Perspective – June 22, 2018

My dear respected brothers and sisters! Here in USA, there are two special days that are celebrated to honor parents – Mother’s Day celebrated on the second Sunday of May and Father’s Day celebrated on the third Sunday of June. Mother’s Day is a day set aside to appreciate and honor mothers. Father’s Day is … [Read more…]

Eid ul-Fitr Khutba – June 15, 2018

  Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar, la ilaha illallah. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar; wa lillahil hamd. My dear brothers and sisters! Alhamdulillah, we have gathered here this morning on this blessed day of Eid to glorify, praise, and thank Allah (SWT) for His infinite blessings, bounties, favors and mercy upon us. Today we bid farewell to the … [Read more…]

Morals and Manners in Islam – June 8, 2018

Brothers and sisters! My khutba today is on the teachings of morals and manners in Islam. Out of all problems that surround man—moral, social, economic, political, or any other, the greatest of them is the moral problem. All other problems are only aspects of this major problem. Be it on the individual or collective level, … [Read more…]