Effects of Sins on our Lives – January 4, 2019

Brothers and sisters! In today’s khutba, I want to remind myself and you about the effects of sins on our lives. Human beings as individuals, groups, societies, and nations commit sins. We are passing through a time in history when the concept of virtue and vice seems to have become very blurred. This era of … [Read more…]

Concept of Du’a – Dec 14, 2018

My dear respected brothers and sisters! The topic of my khutba today is: “Concept of Du’a.” Generally, people seem to have forgotten the power of du’a or supplication. Overwhelmed by the advances made in science and technology, people begin to believe that they have become masters of their own destinies, and start to feel independent … [Read more…]

Noble Attributes of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) – Dec 7, 2018

Brothers and sisters! Today is the last day of Rabi al-Awwal; the third month of the Islamic lunar calendar.  Both, the birth and the death of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) are reported to have taken place during this month. Insha’Allah, in today’s khutba, I intend to remind myself and you about some of the … [Read more…]

Seeking the Pleasure of Allah – Nov 30, 2018

My dear respected brothers and sisters! The purpose of today’s khutba is to remind myself and you not to forget our ultimate objective, and that is to seek the pleasure of Allah (SWT) in everything we do. The pleasure of Allah is an objective that is superior to all other objectives and by attaining it … [Read more…]

The Final Journey – Nov 16, 2018

  Brothers and sisters! My khutba today is about remembering and making preparations for our final journey from this life to the next life of the hereafter. كُلُّ نَفْسٍ ذَائِقَةُ الْمَوْتِ وَإِنَّمَا تُوَفَّوْنَ أُجُورَكُمْ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ “Every soul will taste death and you will be paid in full only on the Day of Resurrection.” (Aal … [Read more…]

The Mercy of Allah – Nov 16, 2018

The Mercy of Allah    Transcript of the Friday Sermon delivered by Dr. Munawar Haque on Nov 16, 2018   My dear brothers and sisters in Islam! My khutba today is on a topic that is very dear to us; and that is ‘The Mercy of Allah (SWT).’ All the things we have learned about … [Read more…]

Leave that which does not concern you – Nov 2, 2018

Brothers and sisters! My khutba today is based on a hadith, which says: مِنْ حُسْنِ إِسْلاَمِ الْمَرْءِ تَرْكُهُ مَا لاَ يَعْنِيهِ “Part of someone’s being a good Muslim is his leaving alone that which does not concern him.” It is a sound hadith transmitted by Tirmidhi and others. This hadith explains an important but often … [Read more…]

Gift of Speech and Value of Words – Oct 26, 2018

  All praise is for Allah (SWT) who has honored man and has created him in the best of forms. All praise is for Allah (SWT) who has blessed man with the ability to speak with his tongue. My dear brothers and sisters! My khutba today is on the gift of speech and value of … [Read more…]

The Family Institution in Islam – Oct 12, 2018

Brothers and sisters! My khutba today is on the topic: “The Family Institution in Islam.” Family, as we know, constitutes the foundation of a society. Its strength or weakness determines the strength or weakness of its society. It is no secret that the western society as a whole is in a deep social crisis. This … [Read more…]

Love for Allah (SWT) – Sept 28, 2018

Praise be to Allah (SWT) who breathed into us of His Spirit and placed the light of His guidance in our innermost being. Praise be to Allah (SWT) who blessed us with the guidance of His prophets and messengers. Praise be to Allah (SWT) whose Mercy encompasses everything. Praise be to Allah (SWT) who knows … [Read more…]