
  Meeting Notes from 10/14/2017    
  Agenda Topic Discussed Next Step(s) Action Item(s)
1 Financial update (Expense and Donation Received) – Bank signatory update status Fitra – $xxxx Zakat – $xxxx Disburse Fitra money ASAP
2 Spot for Grave at White Chapel Cemetery – Update from communication with White Chapel Cemetery Continuing on the communication with White Chapel to see if it can be purchased by AMDA. *If we have person allocated, how does that plot gets transferred to the next person.  
3 Tax Return Status for 2016 * Filed  
4 Approval of Meeting Notes from last meeting Approved  
5 Sunday School Status Update * New students almost every week * Agreed to pay the teachers in weather related to school closing date * Zakat money for tuition and book: AMDA will disburse Zakat money only if school fund is in red. AMDA board has approved the usage of surplus money from Sunday School fund to cover tuition & books for underprevilaged  students. * Tutorial program: Weekly basis.  Teach students arabic, math, science and english, SAT. Donation $60 per family. Board approved usage of building. Financially this program should be self supporting. * Study feasibility of ESL/Spoken english course. * Bring back feasibility report
6 Update coming events:  – Update regarding the Seerah Conference  – CAIR-MI workshop on Anti-Bullying in November Family Event  – Saturday Fajr Khatirah – Status Update  – Weekly Halaqa – Status Update * Seerah conf – Dec 1 & 2; 9 speakers; Sisters only session * Get sheikh’s input on the weekly halaqa.  Sheikh and Rumman should start on the Halaqa and revisit this proposal. * Need feedback from Sheikh regarding the proposal
7 Guidelines on event planning at AMDA * Email responsibility in addition to website to Mahmudul Khan and Zeeshan Rizwan  
8 Membership status  – Number of members on file – Membership renewal needs to be completed by December 2017 for calander year 2018 – Plan for the execution – How do we increase membership, Strategy and Execution Plan (need to show members on file to City for 2nd phase of construction) * Total: 32 members paid+ 21 checkomatic * Membership fees collection by December * Create a list of members who had membership previoulsy and ask them to renew the membership * Create programs that will initiate membership  
9 AED Installation and training status * Installation done * Training December  
10 Namaj Time Display – Digital Clock/Software Program * Sheikh will decide on the salah timing method and maintain the timing. Accept gift from the brother who has offered it and also from Abu Hibban  
11 Job Flyer Display in Masjid * Follow printed material guideline  
12 Walkin/Round Table item – All * Shared land purchase information. Will have update once it is done.  
Br. Moin Asjad
Br. Shafiq Islam
Br. Abu Ashraf
Sr. Marina Azim
Br. Mahmudul Khan (Apel)
Br. Zeeshan Rizwan
Br. Ahmed J. Khan
Br. Ekramul Khan
Br. Zainul Abedin
Br. Abul Bashar Patwary
Sr. Rafia Reaz