
  Meeting Notes from 9/9/2017        
  Agenda Topic Discussed Next Step(s) Action Item(s) Target Completion Date Person Responsible
1 Financial update (Expense and Donation Received)  

* Updated the financial status provided by Br. Shafiq

* Quickbook information was shared at the meeting.  Explained that this system will create highest levet of accounting transperancy since each transaction can be viewed live with reciept and related document.  Members can ask question and will get answer on the spot.

* Br. Shafiq was requested to write down the name of catagory on deposit slip  – Friday Donation  – Other day donation  – Fundraising donation  – Zakat  – Fitra  – “Specific program” donation

ASAP Br. Shafiq for deposit process improvement
2 Upcoming Event Calendar for AMDA  – Open House (Sept 23)  – Seerah Conference (Dec 1& 2)

* Open house volunteer email and training date

* Seerah conference speaker and detail

* Send open house email

* Need Seerah conference detail (Speaker & Plan)

10/7/2017   * Br. Moin Asjad  & Br. Zeeshan Rizwan
3 Masjid Caretaker/Event Manager

* Agreed to hire a caretaker/event manager * $xx per hour

* Notify Br. Mwafak (Applicant) regarding the decision

* Event manager should work with Sheikh and the chair person for work assignment   * Br. Moin
4 Approval of Meeting Notes from last meeting Approve next week Next meeting 10/7/2017 * Br. Moin
5 Sunday School Status Update * Need update in the following meeting * Need update in the following meeting 10/7/2017 Br. Zainul Abedin & Br. Mohammad Ali
6 Revisit Multi-purpose room usage guideline and policy

* Following rates were approved. Publish following new rates on website  – $100 for 100 people  – $300 for more than 100 people

* Add nikah/marriage on webpage as usage

* Website information update 10/7/2017 Br. Moin & Br. Apel
7 Walk – in: AED purchase & Installation * AED will come in week of Sept 10th * Install AED  – Take help from Br. Mwafak/Br. Ferdous  – Install in a location where there is no barrier from congregant or furniture 10/7/2017 Br. Zeeshan
8 Walk -in: Speaker for halaqa’s * If suitable person can be found, AMDA can pay remuneration on event or hour basis * Br. Zeeshan to followup 10/7/2017 Br. Zeeshan
9 Walk -in: Diversity Dinner * Contact City of Sterling Heights * Br. Moin to followup 9/15/2017 Br. Moin
10 Walk -in: Time duration for meeting * Upon question from Br. Hashem Molla regarding time duration of the meeting it was decided that the meeting will be kept below 2 hours. Members are requested to be on time, so that the meeting can be completed on time

* Br. Moin to make all effort to keep the meeting on time

* Br. Hashem Molla to help in keeping the meeting on time

10/7/2017 Br. Moin & Br. Hashem
  Br. Moin Asjad        
  Br. Shafiq Islam        
  Br. Abul Molla        
  Br. Ekramul Khan        
  Sr. Marina Azim        
  Br. Hafiz Rahman        
  Br. Mohammad Ali        
  Br. Mahmudul Khan (Apel)        
  Br. Zeeshan Rizwan