
Date: 6/3/2017


    1. Attendees:
      1. Abul B Patwary
      2. Ahmed J Khan
      3. Shafiq Islam
      4. Moin Asjad
      5. Muhammad Azim
      6. Iftikhar Uddin
      7. Mohammad Hosson (Mosharraf)
      8. Zeeshan Rizwan
      9. Ferdous Ghazi
      10. Moududur Rahman
    2. May 2017 meeting minutes approved, May 31st 2017
    3. Financial update by Br. Moudud, Br Shafiq ul Islam and Br Iftikhar
  • Fundraising Dinner – Program Approval & Event Assignments:
    1. Balkan Center booked by Br Ferdous Ghazi – Confirmed
    2. Speaker for event confirmed by Br Zeeshan
    3. Approximately 400 people food arrangement assigned to Br Ferdous Ghazi, approved by board
    4. Br Moin & Br Khwaja will take care of microphone system for the event
    5. Projector screen rental service assigned to Br Mosharaf
    6. Pledge form, pen, paper, boxes assigned to Br Iftikhar
    7. Bread for the event by Br Iftikhar
    8. Reception desk assigned to Br Hafiz ur Rahman, Mohmdul Khan and Masum bhai
    9. Pizza for kids assigned to Br Abid
    10. Venue set up at Balkan Center for event to all the members
    11. Utensil, including cups, plates, spoons, napkins assigned to Br Jami
    12. Isha salat will be continued at AMDA at 11:05pm followed by taraweeh, Imam already announced 6/3/17
    13. MC assigned to Br Obair Siddiqui
    14. Meyaad & Ziad will recite the Qur’an from AMDA school, assigned to Br Azim
    15. Br Moin & Br Azim will explain th fundraising for upcoming development of Masjid’d extension
    16. Br Moin will provide the agenda for the event
    17. Br Abul Patwary will welcome guests
    18. Speech will recognize the senior board members retiring


  1. Board approved Zeeshan’s proposal for Kid’s halaqah on every Saturday at Dhuhr
    1. $20/kid and rest of expenses AMDA will take care
  2. Ramadan 27th, June 21st, will need volunteers for Iftar. The board has approved that AMDA will provide iftar for volunteers. Iftar will only be for volunteers.
  3. AMDA will provide snack packages for 27th Ramadan, khatm-e-Qur’an. Brother Ferdous will handle the snack packages.
  4. Two Islamic brochures requested by Imam, board approved the expenditure, Br Moin will be assigned
  5. Eid potluck will be @ AMDA at 5pm for Kids carnival and dinner will be at 7pm