



  1. Mohammed Hosson (Mosharrof)
  2. Moududur Rahman
  3. Iftikhar Uddin
  4. Ferdous Ghazi
  5. Zeeshan Rizwan
  6. Moin Asjad
  7. Abul B. Patwary
  8. Muhammad Azim

Excused Absences:

  1. Shafiq Islam


  1. Board approved the December 2016 and January 2017 Meeting Minutes.
  2. Br. Shafiq (through email) provided the amount collected in January.
  3. Br. Moudud reported the total expenses including the $50,000 loan payment to University Islamic Finance.
  4. The budget for 2017 will be discussed and approved in the March 2017 Board meeting. Br. Moudud will prepare the budget.
  5. Br. Dr. Mohammed Ramzi/Dr. Mohannad Hakeem/Imam Mohammad El-Bashir were targeted, in order of preference, to lead the fund raising drive. Br. Patwary to contact Dr. Ramzi, Azim to Contact Mohannad Hakeem, and Br. Moin to contact Imam El-Bashir immediately.
  6. Food: Board decided to make food arrangements for 300 people for the fund raising dinner on Feb 25, 2017. Appetizer s will be provided. Food committee includes Br. Ferdous Ghazi, Br. Iftikhar, and Br. MosharrofCommunication: Br. Zeeshan will make the fliers to be distributed in the MasjidBr. Moin will use website, email, and Facebook to publicize the event Set Up: Audio – Br. Khwaja, Br. Faizul, and Br. ShamimCollection at Gate: Br. Masum, Br. Hafeez, and Br. Mahmudul Khan Supplies to be taken from masjid: Serving spoons, Tea kettle, sugar dispensers, and collection boxes. Br. Iftikhar is entrusted with this responsibility Pledge Cards: Br. Moin will bring them; They will separately record gate money from donation if someone gives a single check for both. Screen: Br. Ferdous Ghazi to talk to Balkan Center for the availability of the old screen Emcee: Br. Obair. Br. Zeeshan to confirm. Azim to make poster boards to be displayed in the Masjid Supplies: Br. Mosharrof and Br. Jami will be responsible for procuring supplies.

Tentative Agenda:

  • Quran Recitation and translation: Sunday School Students (5 min)
  • Welcome speech: Muhammad Azim (5 min)
  • Imam’s Speech (10 Min)
  • Financial Update – Br. Moudud (10 min)
  • Fundraising (45-60min)
  • Dinner (30 Minute)
  • Isha Prayer
  1. Board discussed the options of selecting Hafez for Tarawee prayer. Pros and cons of bringing back last year’s hafez from Egypt vs. using local hafez were discussed. Board decided to seek Imam’s recommendation in this regard.
  2. Board discussed the Masjid security issue. Br. Ferdous will investigate a system with camera and bells that anyone can use to get access to the Masjid. In the interim, Masjid doors should be locked at all times. Azim will write a letter to Sterling Heights City police asking for increased patrol around the Masjid.
  3. Br. Zeeshan provided an estimate from Home Depot to put Vertical Blinds/shades on the Masjid windows. Vertical blind was approved. Br. Zeeshan and Br. Moin were asked to go ahead and get the blinds installed ASAP.
  4. Board decided to request Imam to ask Br. Amin Varis a detailed proposal on how to implement his idea of dawah activities at AMDA
  5. Board approved request of University Islamic Finance (UIF) to hold an Islamic finance seminar at AMDA in lieu of $500 donation.
  6. Board approved Br. Khalid Iqbal’s request to hold a seminar on Anger where he will be allowed to sell his book. Br. Iftikhar will coordinate.