



  1. Mohammed Hosson
  2. Shafiq Islam
  3. Moududur Rahman
  4. Iftikhar Uddin
  5. Mahmudul Khan
  6. Zeeshan Rizwan
  7. Moin Asjad
  8. Ahmed Khan
  9. Muhammad Azim

Excused Absences:

  1. Abul Bashar Patwary
  2. Ferdous Ghazi


  1. Board will approve the December 2016 Meeting Minutes in the February 2017 Board Meeting.
  2. Br. Shafiq reported that the total 2016 donation collection was substantially higher than the 2015 annual collection.
  3. Br. Moudud reported that the total 2016 expenses was around $xx0,000.00 including loan payment, zakat payment along with operational expenses. It was within the projected budget for 2016. The balance in all the accounts is a little over $x00,000.00 now.
  4. Board decided to pay off $50,000 from the outstanding loan with UIF this month.
  5. The budget for 2017 will be discussed and approved in the February 2017 Board meeting. Br. Moudud will prepare the budget.
  6. Board decided to complete the documentation needed to issue the donation receipts by 1/17/2017 so that the receipts can be issued by the end of the month (1/31/2017).
  7. Tax preparer Hashmukh Patel will again be used for AMDA Tax return for 2016. All the documents will be provided to him by the end of January 2017.
  8. Br. Iftikhar will confirm with Balkan Community Center for the February 25th Fund Raising Dinner. Communications with community regarding the fund raising dinner will start immediately. Organizations can buy booths (table) for advertising their product and services. Each booth will cost $150.
  9. Entrance fee: $50 per family, $35 per couple, $ 20 individual, and $10 for students.
  10. Br. Moin Asjad was entrusted with the responsibility to sign the employment contract with our Imam.
  11. In six months’ time, a position for Assistant Imam will be opened and a nationwide search will start. Br. Moin will discuss the requirements for this position with Imam Sheikh Dr. Munawar Haque. Imam will communicate this information to Qari Rumman Ahmed.
  12. A Board meeting will be convened on January 28, 2017 from 3-5:30 PM to discuss the Masjid Expansion project. Advisors will be invited to attend this meeting. Azim will send a meeting invitation to all Board members.
  13. Discussed the need to amend the constitution. Azim will bring a proposal to the Board outlining the changes required for further discussion.
  14. Board discussed the Masjid access issue and no agreement was reached on a workable solution. Discussion will continue.
  15. Guidance and University Islamic Finance (Islamic Banks) will be asked to use the February Fund raising Dinner event to showcase their products and services to the community. Azim will contact the representatives of these two institutions.
  16. Request of a presentation by Muslim Legal Fund of America (MLFA) at AMDA Masjid was approved provided MLFA supplies detail information about the presentation. Azim will contact MLFA regarding this. February family night can be used for this presentation.
  17. Miscellaneous-
  • Whoever wants to attend the MLK Dinner on January 16, 2017 will contribute $35/person to AMDA. AMDA is sponsoring a table of 10 for $350. Imam and his wife will be guest attendees for AMDA.
  • Br. Iftikhar along with our Imam will work out the details of the Milad program with the person requesting to hold it in the Masjid.
  • Br. Zeeshan will find out the cost of installing vertical blinds in the Masjid.
  • Water meter needs to be check to verify the water bill from the city of Sterling Heights.