
 Minutes for December 3rd, 2016 Meeting

1.    Mohammad Azim
2.    Moudud ur Rahman
3.    Shafiq ul Islam
4.     Ifitikhar Uddin
5.    Ahmed Jami Khan
6.    Abul B Patwary
7.    Ekram Khan
8.    Mahmudul khan
9.    Ferdous Ghazi out of country  
10   Moin Asjad  out of country
                                                        Meeting Minutes
1.      Approval of November 2016   meeting agenda  .
2.     Br.Shafiq ul Islam  presented the collection report upto  November 30th 2016 , total collection in the month of November 2016 was $xxxx.00 , year to date  collection including the zakat and fitra deposited in the bank is $xxxxxx.00 .
3.    Br. Moudoud ur Rahman presented the report for financial  upto November 30th  2016, In the month of November total payments made $ xxxx.00.
4.    Board also approve the contract with Dr. Munawar Ul Haque  including the salary and paid week off.
5.    Board also Approve the salary  and vacation package with Imam Ruman .
6.    Board  authorize to Br. Azim  to contact  AMDA advisiors  regarding the election and Legal matters.
7.   Board also approve  the fund raising event on  Febuary 25th  2017 , venue will be decide in January 2017 Meeting, As per request  Balkan center  is reserved for the event
8.    Land scaping  and Snow Plowing for 2017 contract will remain the same amount $3500.00 intial payment will be $2000.00 for first  part of the contract  rest $1500.00 will be made in the month of June 2017, Board approved the contract as per the negiotion with the service provider.. 
9.    Board also approved  the Khateeb Mr. Khalid Iqbal  in absence of Dr. Munawar Ul Haque.
10.  Courses of Islam  for non Muslims, the Board  will decide in January 2017 meeting  after consulting  the authorities 
11.   The board also approve only after  2nd Juma Prayer Imam will lead the Asr Prayer for the conveinence,, However Imam will announce in advance .