
                                                Meeting  Minutes for November 2016  
Attendees :
1.         Mohammad Azim 
2.         Ferdous Ghazi
3.         Madoud ur Rahman
4.        Shafiq ul Islam
5.        Iftikhar uddin
6.        Abul B. Patwary
7.        Zeeshan Rizwan
8.        Mohammed Hossan  
9.        Mahmudul  Khan
                                                Meeting Minutes
1.         Approval  of the October 2016  Amda  board meeting
2.        Mr. Shafiqul Islam  presented the collection report as on October 31st  2016 including the collection from the general box, pledges and zakat
3.        Mr. Madoud ur Rahman Presented  the financial update including the expenditure ,
4.        Part time assistant approved by board to contact and response for office .
5.        Board approved the day saving timing are remain  the same as per the Hanafi fiqaha , 
6.        Mlk interfaith dinner participation  board approved the same amount  $500.00  as last year , board also authorized to Dr, Munawar ul Haque to contact the MLK  organisation  
7.        Board also approved the lawn services ( True Green ) $280.00 per Application it should be three applications for one year .
8.         Land scaping  and snow plowing brother  Iftikhar to contact the vendor to negioate .