Written by Abul B. Patwary
Category: Joint Meeting
| Published: 15 October 2017
| Hits: 1824
Meeting Minutes: AMDA Board Meeting July 1, 2017
- Mohammad Ali
- Mohammed Z. Abedin
- Moududur Rahman
- Mohammed Hosson (Mosharraf)
- Mahmudul Khan (Apel)
- Ahmed Khan
- Marina Azim
- Moin Asjad
- Muhammad Azim
- Shafiq Islam
- Abul Hashem Molla
- Zeeshan Rizwan
- Abu Ashraf
- Abul B. Patwary
- Hafizur Rahman (on the phone)
- The AMDA constitution was discussed and it has been decided that Mr. Shagir Ahmed will review the constitution to see if there are any amendments necessary. Any questions or concerns can be directed to him as well.
- Moududur Rahman gave the financial reports including the monthly expenses, salaries, etc.. Br. Moudud will be leaving the board and Br. Moin will take over the responsibility temporarily until someone else is willing to take on the role and will help train someone for the position as well. Br. Iftikhar will still volunteer to assist. Those who are leaving the board will email whoever is taking on these responsibilities what the position entails and what needs to be done so that no one is left without any help.
- We thank Ferdous Ghazi, Muhammad Azim, Moududur Rahman, and Iftikhar Uddin, who are leaving the board, for their hard work and dedication to this masjid. We hope that they will still be there to help in a less formal manner.
- We welcomed new board members who have joined the Board of Trustees, Board of Representatives, and the Standing Committee.
- The 2016 Tax Return has been submitted to the accountant. The accountant has requested an extension date for submission. This will be handled by Br. Moin and Br. Ferdous.
- The potluck that was to be held on July 7th is cancelled. There will be no potluck for the month of July; the potlucks will resume again in August.
- Br. Chari Gul will clean the masjid carpet on Sunday, July 16th at 11:00 am. He will be charging us $0.12/sq. feet for the cleaning. We need to ensure that the masjid is open at that time and will need volunteers there as well to help him. Please email Br. Patwary or Br. Azim if you can spare your time that day.
- The board has approved and arranged a Girls Summer Camp that will occur July 8, 15, 22, and 29 and August 5. It is for girls ages 8-13 from 2-4 pm. Individual sessions are $5; all sessions $20.
- The board has decided again that Apel and Zeeshan will backup the emails and AMDA website and Br. Moin will assist them if needed.
- The minutes from the last board meeting were approved.